Hyakunin Kumite's One-man Sumo vol.3 "First Step"

``Hyakunin Kumite Solo Sumo'' is a story about what I felt while continuing the challenge of the MATSURI-related project ``Hyakunin Kumite.'' The third article in the series is about taking the first step.


The “map” of the Hyakunin Kumite that is evolving day by day (Summer 2023 edition)


In this edition of ``One-Hyakunin Kumite Sumo,'' I would like to talk about what I thought about starting this project. Last time, I said that we entered the situation by analyzing the situation. In other words, it is a process of determining one's current location and a ``temporary'' target point, and identifying anticipated obstacles in some detail. It may be similar to reading a map for someone going on an adventure.


In this case, the destination is to "express the rise of the algae industry as a collection of concrete items and convey its worldview not only to those involved in the industry but also to a wide range of people of various attributes." It will be the purpose. But who are the "widely diverse people" here? The question arises. On the other hand, we believe that this does not necessarily mean that the way the question is framed is inadequate. Structuring a problem means forgetting all other elements. Limiting the question is also trivializing it. Our goal is to ask as many people as possible about the potential and specificity of the algae industry, so we should not minimize the problem unnecessarily. Here, a trade-off arose.


How to make a map


The answer we got was: In order to reduce the definition of "widely diverse" to a formula that allows for specific approaches, we must entrust our philosophy to people who have the ability and desire to express that worldview, and who will be able to express that worldview. Wouldn't it be better to spread the word about the world of algae while responding to the interests of people who are interested in it? In other words, we thought that we could ensure maximum diversity by collaborating with creators to create materials and items using algae and disseminating them to each area. Then, the actual destination changes as follows: `` Together with the creators, we will express the rise of the algae industry as a collection of concrete items, and anyone who will accept those items will be able to see the world.'' Opening a window to look into the world.”


Of course, this transformation comes at a price. For example, as a major premise of a project, it is necessary to be prepared to improvise and "try" to deal with chance and unexpectedness. Since it is being created with many collaborators, it will be difficult to control future developments as Chitose predicts. There you can no longer expect the comfort of paved roads. But at the same time, it is a common practice in biology when dealing with non-human species. They do not necessarily care about human convenience and do not accept direct control. To work with them, you have to follow their style and get along well with them. This is also an element that forms Chitose's basic policy. We decided to use this method to "head toward" our destination first.


written by:Aoi Nakamura

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